Saturday, May 15, 2010

Summer Fever

I am so excited about summer and being HOME w/ the boys.  I love all that summer has to offer us. 

Longer days
Together time
NO homework
fresh veggies from our very own garden.  i'm really looking forward to making salsa, spaghetti sauce, etc
picnics at the parks
lightening bugs

time to make things ;)  these are among a few on my list ~

I've shown this before but I'm bound & determined to get this made SOON!

I've also been pricing rain barrels for a LONG time.  They are expensive although I'm sure worth their cost over a short period of time if you get enough rain.  But there are plenty of plans online to make your own and way more affordable.  We'll see! Our amazing former neighbors also have some plans.  He said he'd help us out!

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