Friday, May 28, 2010

Hands at Work

She sets about her work vigorously;
her arms are strong for her tasks.
Proverbs 31:17

Last weekend we came home with yet another few flats of strawberries.  Ben really enjoys strawberry picking so we made a trip to a different patch.  The first weekend of capping strawberries it didn't seem to take so long but this last weekend . . . whew . . . I felt like I stood over that counter all day.  Turns out it was just a couple of hours. 
Standing there got me to thinking about my precious, hard working Granny, her large hands, and the hospitality she blessed others with.  Who knows how many strawberries she capped, beans she strung, corn she shucked, tobacco she tied, etc.  She made & canned so much from their big garden.  She was an amazing, dedicated worker, serving God, her family & friends.
I know Granny knew how much I looked up to her and longed to be as dedicated as she was.  As I grow older though and now have boys of our own, I look up to her even more. 
One thing I do know is that no matter what I do, my hands will never look as beautiful & hard worked as hers did.  Those same hands tenderly taught me basics in sewing and even helped my make my wedding veil. 
She taught me so much and set an amazing example of a God -Fearing follower, Wife, & Mama.  I have a long way to go but I'll give it my best!

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,
as working for the Lord, no for men.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

this is so tender and precious. i count my sweet mi-mi as one of my truest, richest blessings for some of the same reasons you do yours! generations will look to you for inspiration, too, friend! :)