Friday, May 8, 2009

Fabulous Friday Fun

Today Jacob's class had their Mother's Day Tea and it was a wonderful time.
Our children met us in the lobby of the school to escort us to their classroom.

We were led to our seat and offered water or tea to go with our strawberry shortcake.
The children were prepped extremely well in regard to manners.
When I offered Jacob a bite of my strawberry shortcake,
he responded, "no thank you mommy, this is for you."
We then watched a video of each child's picture with their response to the prompt,
"I know my mom loves me because . . .
" written above their picture.
Jacob's response to the prompt
". . . because she feeds me."

Then each mom got to sit in the special blue chair
while their child read the card they created for them.
It was evident that the children as well as their teacher
worked extremely hard to make this time special for all involved.
In addition to the cards with sweet sentiments,
they created portraits, placemats,
and planted flowers in cans that they painted.
Then it was time for Mrs. Stanley to take a break.
She went to her first grader's Mother's Day Tea
while I helped the class get an art project ready
for their art show next week.
We created beautiful, bright colored fish after we read
"The Rainbow Fish".
We tried a "Batik" style on brown paper grocery bags.
They turned out so pretty.
I can't wait to see them all up at the art show.

Have I mentioned that we have an amazing neighbor?
Well actually we have a few wonderful neighbors . . .
but this one is in 8th grade and the boys LOVE him!

Well today he took out shis cool go-cart.
Jacob assured us that he needs to practice
so he'll be ready for Thunder Vally.
It's been a wonderful day and I'm hitting the hay!

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