Saturday, April 3, 2010

Today I Love . . .

1 ~ our messy, cozy, lived in home

2 ~ conversations with former youth group girls . . . turned friends as they are all now adults. a few are sophmores in college and a couple more are going for their master's degrees. amazing ladies i tell ya!

3 ~ the surprise colors of the tulips ben & i planted in the fall from a bag of variety bulbs. we have some yellow & pinks so far around the mail box.

4 ~ california pizza kitchen hummus & flat bread

5 ~ the way ben insists on wearing the same red shirt to t-ball practice each week and how he calls his mit, his "mitten"

6 ~ how simply adorable & disgustingly dirty the boys were yesterday after a LONG afternoon of outside play at a couple parks and then back home to our house w/ water squirters; then looking outside seeing them play basketball in their sock feet.

7 ~ how excited we are to go to the beach but totally procrastinating the packing. just looking around at piles & lists

8 ~ having the smell of the outside come in

9 ~ the excitement of 11 precious pre-schoolers when their biscuits were empty this week and then having them say together, "Jesus is Alive"!

10 ~ that our boys slept in until a whopping 7am this morning! haha

11 ~ looking forward to seeing family & friends over the next few days.

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