Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

*MY* plans were to worship, spend the day w/ the boys.  NO fancy restaurant or expensive activities!  I just wanted to have a picnic or pick strawberries . . . .  or BOTH!

we went to Mt. Olympus and picked strawberries.  this is not one of jacob's favorite things to do but he did w/ a smile on his face AND he had FUN.  we were loudly giggling across the rows.  he has such a fun sense of humor.  most of the time i enjoy it!

we'll be making
strawberry pie
strawberry milkshakes
strawberry salad
strawberry jello
strawberry mufins
strawberry pretzel dessert

just kidding!

then the plan was to head to the park w/ blankets, snacks, books, board games, footballs, frisbee, etc. and play/rest/relax!

instead we came home and crashed.  but we did play apples to apples on my bed.

1 comment:

elisa said...

I hope you had a good one!!